Are you ready to make meditation your superpower?

Meditation changed my life.  It allowed me to tap into a deeper knowledge and wisdom, enabling a level of clarity I had never previously achieved.
This clarity helps one to choose the right path and also gives one the confidence to find the answers within oneself.  It a deeply journey and these instincts can only be awakened from within.
My passion is to guide and teach everyone to do the same. 

My meditation course offers step-by-step guidance, perfect for those who believe they cannot meditate. 
My aim has been to create a program so you can uncover the inner-peace that naturally arises when we understand the workings of the mind, to learn how to think differently and to improve the way we respond to life, healing yourself on a cellular level. 
I have created an easy practice that is suitable for everyone regarding lifestyle. 

1 session kr. 325 / in person
8 sessions kr. 2,300 / in person
8 sessions kr. 1,500 / online


- online or in my studio
Step-by-step guidance through the foundation techniques. Gradually we will build your meditation time and how to manage the emotional and physical detox that many new meditators experience. It will remove stress from your body at the cellular level, decrease anxiety, improve sleep and your immunity.
It will allow you to recharge your brain as often as you recharge your phone. 

- online or in my studio
This course follows on from the beginner’s course. The techniques learned here will enable you to go deeper within yourself for greater clarity, balance and creativity. Once unlocked, this deeper level of meditation brings not only clarity but is also proven to affect the structure of the brain.  Evidence shows that areas of the brain that regulate negative emotions become more resilient and those parts activated when experiencing pain decrease in activity.  This happens after only a few weeks of meditating.

- Customised to whatever is needed
Help your team achieve more by being less stressed. 
90% of doctors’ visits are related to stress and feeling stress is not necessarily bad for you, but staying stressed is toxic.  

It has been proven that meditation is a powerful tool to improve focus, clarity, creativity, productivity and will relieve stress. Studies and brain scans show that meditation changes the structure of the brain. Those who meditate have a thicker corpus callosum than those who do not. The corpus callosum connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain and the thicker it is, the better the two sides communicate.  This is key for creative problem solving.  Better problem solving, better team, increased output.
My techniques are simple to practice and once learned they can meditate on their own.  

Bookings: Available in person or virtual (via zoom).