Bringing Meditation to your company, organisation or event.
To increase engagement, teamwork and more.
In todays fast-paced corporate world, where stress and pressure are often part of the job, prioritizing mental health and wellness has never been more crucial. Building a working environment for your team that supports and promotes their emotional and mental wellbeing is not just a responsibility, but an investment in their success and happiness.
By meditating regularly, we protect our system from stress and burnout. It will improve our mental health and self-compassion. It enables us to be more productive and efficient at work without feeling exhausted or overwhelmed.
I offer in-person or online meditation programs for companies. I can help each person from your team to develop and maintain a daily meditation practice by providing customised courses that suits your company’s needs.
The benefits of meditating with your team are: Improved health and wellbeing - physically, mentally and emotionally Improved sleep Clear headedness and more focus More positive interactions and harmony between colleagues in a team Increased engagement and focus on tasks and projects Increased levels of emotional intelligence, empathy and compassion
A typical program includes: Step by step guided meditation techniques. My goal is to create a program that reveals the inner peace that naturally arises when we understand the way our own minds work. This then helps us improve the way we respond the challenges of everyday life.
Session time: First time 60minute followed by 30minute once or twice a week
Location: Workplace (such as your office or other corporate location) or online
Number of participants: 2 to 30 individuals per session.
All welcome regardless if experienced or non experienced in meditation
Hver onsdag giver vi vores kollegaer i SquareMeter mulighed for i frokostpausen at sætte tempoet ned med personlig meditation med Sahar. Sahar´s tilstedeværelse styrker sammenholdet og de teams der prioriterer de 30 minutter hver onsdag er klart dem der håndterer hverdagens hektiske øjeblikke med størst overblik. Kæmpe tak til Sahar Mohajer for trofast igennem de sidste 2 år at guide os meditativt professionelt, fagligt og kærligt igennem hver onsdags frokostpause som ingen ville undvære.
Iben Marburger Juul, partner SquareMeter
With an amazing ability to combine her many years of beauty knowledge with a spiritual and holistic approach Sahar Mohajer combines the best from the two worlds – and the result is next level sessions. Thanks to her intuition and calm aura she has a special ability to see and understand the individual, which has a huge impact on her sessions. For above reasons I was thrilled to introduce Sahar Mohajer to a.netwrk, a network I have founded for PR & Communication professionals. The topic for the meeting was on how to balance and get the most out of our energy – after her presentation, each member was provided with new insight and small meditation exercises to use in daily life. Personally, I have been a client for around 12 years and can strongly recommend Sahar Mohajer – both for personal sessions as well as group sessions.
Louise Nyboe Andersen, founder of

“Stress is the enemy of our health, and it’s the enemy of our happiness.”
— Mel Robins